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Old 2012-10-04, 01:19   Link #939
Join Date: Nov 2007
Age: 35
Originally Posted by justinstrife View Post
I'm open to discussion on that. My half-brother benefited greatly from America's health system. Though I couldn't give you many specifics on what was wrong with him(I haven't seen him in 19 years, and only got into contact with him on Facebook in June(don't ask, it's a long story involving a manipulative, bitch of a mother who tried to destroy a lot of lives...)), I know there were experimental surgeries done on him, and after his first five years of life, and 17 operations, was able to breath without a trachea. So I support the Medical system, trying to improve it, and trying to make it more affordable for everyone.

I don't like however, being FORCED to have Health Insurance. Regardless of who's idea it is.
Being an insurance agent myself, I think I can understand where the idea of health insurance comes from - the cost of a doctor's service.

I don't mind doctors being paid well to get their work 99.99999% right and save lives, they deserve it for the subsequent OCD they suffer in their line of work, and human lives are priceless. Health insurances provide a way to pay the doctors for getting their work right from a tranche pool.

The thing I don't like is how medical institutions charge for ridiculous fees and pad their own pockets, and how insurance companies use that tranche to invest and come up with those ridiculously material benefits for "top sales agents". All in the name of profit. If the investment is used to hedge against inflating medical costs and drug prototyping studies, it is fine, but to afford a Ferrari and a trip to Hawaii out of somebody's expense for protection against fate just doesn't sit well with me.

Maybe tomorrow, I'll hook up the battery and fire up my 800hp Corvette and burn some fossil fuels for the greeny wheenies that might be in here.
Call your congressman and call for promotion of execution by firing squad, instead of life incarcernation, using only environmentall, biodegradable, lead/heavy-metal free bullets. Then process the corpse for soylent green.

Presto! You lower food prices, save the environment, and might even get some methane out of the biological processing to convert into fuel. What can those environmentalists whine about now? [/sarcasm]

When three puppygirls named after pastries are on top of each other, it is called Eclair a'la menthe et Biscotti aux fraises avec beaucoup de Ricotta sur le dessus.
Most of all, you have to be disciplined and you have to save, even if you hate our current financial system. Because if you don't save, then you're guaranteed to end up with nothing.
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