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Old 2012-10-09, 23:00   Link #4517
Join Date: Sep 2012
Location: 2D world
Originally Posted by ReaperxKingx View Post
I am not saying any of that, of course I don't want him to adopt any strange personality of the other Campiones. The thing I want him to progress is to make choice for himself. To take action when the circumstance demands it, to know what has to be done without letting things slide until you can't ignore it anymore. Godou's insistence on normality is a problem, he knows he is in the position where normal things are no longer an existence. Gods are not going to follow what rules Modern society morals and standards are, Campione sure are not, and situation will keep popping up where there is no ounce of normality in there. In vol 13, Yuri is place in a position that is very difficult. Nobility has been abolish since the Constitution of Japan was enacted in May 3,1947 so the notion of this being normal is out the window. If vol 14 starts out with the conflict between Nobles and Yuri, where Yuri is against it. Then its Godou's time to make a stand and choice or let it slide trying to be normal while one of his "friend" is in a difficult time.
He suggested that he would help Yuri in vol 13, but the reason he didn't do so was not cause of his insistence on being normal but rather it's Yuri that didn't want him to use his power to help her. He shown signs of getting more and more use to this campione stuff and imo to some degree he is already prepared for what he has to do.
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