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Old 2012-10-10, 09:17   Link #1431
Team Rocket Elite
Senior Member
Join Date: Jul 2008
I've messed up predicting these characters once again. Another Kugimiya Rie character bites the dust so that Cure Peace can advance. She doesn't really have much trouble winning either. Unlike Miki vs Tomoka, the Ro-kyu-bu character manages to win. Cihaya's loss eliminate Idolm@ster from the contest.

Breaktime is over for the Saki fanbase. Gotta go back to work. Ririchiyo is arguably the second strongest non-Saki character and she's up against the arguably the second strongest Saki character. In Round 2, Ririchiyo easily beat Chitanda while Kuro smacked Nyaruko around. So far Kuro has had the higher vote totals. I'm going to believe in Saki and have Kuro win. It's a pretty big loss for the non-Saki suporters if Ririchiyo loses but the Saki fanbase has characters lined up to take Kuro's place. Either Kuro or Kirame had to go out in Round 4 anyways. In the other match, Sanya should have an easy time with Sakuno. As much as I like Sakuno, she's in way over her head at this point.

Sanya V. Litvyak
Matsumi Kuro

Sanya V. Litvyak
Matsumi Kuro
A miracle that you believe in when you know it won't happen......... is hope.
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