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Old 2012-10-13, 08:26   Link #3475
Obelisk ze Tormentor
Black Steel Knight
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Indonesia
Originally Posted by janipani View Post
That what's mainstream often stands for.

Because when people are doing something mainstream it leans them towards recycled ideas in which they usually hit lower than the original one and probably also lower than many other copycats. Which makes show seem to be underestimating its audience because they notice that "This same scene is pretty much in five other animes I've seen and this was the most poorly executed".

Yes, mainstream often stands for “recycled ideas”, but to receive a success, more often than not, it must be well-written & well-executed. I think it’s clear that well-written story =/= original story. A cliche-ridden story can still be well-written/well-executed (e.g. Gurren Lagann) and become successful, while original story can still be poorly written (e.g. Black Rock Shooter, arguably)and bombed.
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