Originally Posted by Vexx
Problem is, the same people who "want the government out of our lives" are the ones who seem okay with the government burrowing into our bedrooms (who we love and marry), women's rights (equal pay for equal work), and a woman's right over her own body (reproductive control). They're ... inconsistent
I lump them all in together.
That's why I said "statists and corporatists" they both want control of our person, whether it's telling us who we can marry or whether we can own a gun, they're trying to control us because they falsely believe they know better than we do.
Again, this is why I wish people would stop voting for Republicrats and Democans.
Just because the social issues Romney wants to control are different then those of Obama, doesn't mean Obama's social policies are any less intrusive or better.
And there in lies the problem, they are both identical in their desire to control us.
I don't care whether it's contraceptives or caffeinated soft drinks, neither political party has the constitutional authority to tell us how to live our lives.