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Old 2012-10-14, 01:22   Link #1349
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Originally Posted by Xacual View Post
I was intentionally exaggerating because the Tea Party politicians I've listened to are absolutely nuts when it comes to cutting budget and spending of government to the point where stuff like that would get severely cut.
Of course they're nuts.
They're all bat-shit-crazy.
They could have bailed out the banks and paid off the morgages of all the citizens in the US at the same time...but they didn't, and both parties are to blame.
Now we have helicopter Ben pushing for QE-Unlimited.
Oh joy.
As if the paper dollar isn't worthless enough already, now it's basically going to be no different than actual monopoly money and both the Repubs and Dems are to blame for this.
On top of this we've got the government buying up ammo like its going out of style, and arming themselves with drones, APCs, machine guns, you get the picture.
Even bubba-joe redneck should be able to see the Empire through the stormtroopers at this point.
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