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Old 2012-10-14, 17:17   Link #14
Otoshi-gami in training
Join Date: Jul 2012
Location: Germany
Age: 32
The problem isn't with the male characters, but with your flawed definition of "(un)interesting" instead.
Originally Posted by backbone View Post
During this time i've been looking for a harem title with "real" protagonist with big balls.
I'm seriously baffled as to how you got the idea that his behaviour would be "real". The male characters in most harems are regular students who live regular lifes, their balls are as big as most peoples were in that age.

Maybe you're an extra hardcore kind of guy who would nail his osananajimi on a daily basis while still finding the time to enjoy the rest of his harem, but that's neither "real" nor particularly interesting. There are of course occasional harems like this (kore wa zombie..), but these usually tend to be a lot more comedy-focused.

There are plenty of good reasons as to why most harem leads act similiar, again, they are simply regular japanese students. Maybe you should avoid harems with a school setting instead, but then again, who would want a Harem of old hags?
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