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Old 2012-10-14, 18:07   Link #136
Join Date: Apr 2012
Originally Posted by Shiina View Post
Right now I'm going with the theory that the events in that flashback/forward were for pure hook purposes and they didn't necessarily have any connection to what was going on inside Riki's head at the moment. Showing shots from Refrain just doesn't work, no matter how you try to explain it...
Maybe now both Riki and Rin in the past, managed to surpass that "magic barrier" (the irremediable loop from Rin1) and they reached Refrain but (and that's the original anime influence) they were not strong enough at that time and Kyosuke once again reseted the world and that's how they are here now with those unconcious memories.

In fact both Riki and Rin maybe have lived those worlds countless times, and Riki might have been interested in different girls every time and that's how he remember those route stories. Because he already lived those scenes in the past. And they might managed to reached Refrain many times but even so, they were unable to avoid the reset (convince Kyousuke of not to loop the world again)
The detail here is that in the game, when you acceded to Refrain is due both to Riki and Rin are strong enough to face the reality, or in other words when you unlock Refrain, the resets are over, that's the end of the story. Here (if that theory is correct) even Refrain don't guarantee that they may prevent the reset of the world.
The question then is, how they can reach the end? I think just overcoming all the obstacles that the different worlds put front of them, in a perfect way.

Don't know, this is the only thought that comes to mind to explain those Refrain scenes.
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