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Old 2012-10-15, 09:17   Link #61
Aesthetic Shampoo
Senior Member
Join Date: Jul 2009
Age: 30
Originally Posted by bigdeal000 View Post
One question about that^. Who should get it together, the ones who are making the worst anime of the season, or people like me who enjoy the worst anime of the season? From the way you word it, it may be either or both, so I just want to make sure.
I have nothing against those who enjoy something i do not. To answer your question, it's neither. I was generally telling the anime to get better.


@ erneiz_hyde: That goofing around thing did come to mind after thinking a bit, and it seems the only logical explanation, but if that's then that's just another thing this anime has done wrong so far. Apart from a few second flashback (that only shows how they met), it's simply stated but not shown that they're all very close friends. We've seen them do nothing but goof around, and the people you goof around with don't need to have 'close childhood friend' as a pre requisite. Of course this is only episode 2...

@ Randrak42 Well, i did say "right now" so it's still subject to change.

Last edited by Aesthetic Shampoo; 2012-10-15 at 09:31.
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