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Old 2012-10-19, 09:42   Link #1099
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Originally Posted by MeoTwister5 View Post

TLR's point seems to suggest a very Sisyphean approach to the situation the characters are in, and to some extent the situation many people are apparently stuck in. It's very apparent right now that there are very different groups living their lives in this system. You have the the HAVES, the HAVE NOTS, and those trying to live their lives in the middle.
Right, and for me, that's one of the key problems of this system. It's coming dangerously close to being a caste system.

The Sibyl system is unfair from a broader perspective, but it seems to work. So far.
To be fair, I can see why this system came into place. It's not without some appeals or internal logic, to be sure. But in the end, I do think it's a very unsettling system in how greatly it lacks equality and liberty. I would argue that a good society tries to balance the two, not dispense with them both.

Originally Posted by orion View Post
He was stalking a couple who was trying to have fun at a mall. That's not healthy behaviour. And he was getting angrier and angrier with each passing moment enough to send Enforcers out for him. Then when caught, he acts like he didn't do anything wrong. So yeah, he needed a reality check to move on with his life.
Sure, it wasn't healthy behavior. However, I'm not sure if I'd call it criminally abnormal. How many people endure romantic jealousy at some point in their lives? And maybe act a little bit stupid for a day or two because of it? Most don't become serious criminals because of it though.

He needed a "reality check", but he didn't need to be dragged away like a total criminal. Also, he didn't do anything wrong, as in commit a crime. That's what I took from his defense of himself, and it struck me as a fair defense. Stalking a couple people for a few minutes is rude, but I'm pretty sure it's not a crime in and of itself.

Honestly, this episode's arrest made me almost instantly think of this (specifically, everything from 2:00 to 3:00, but feel free to watch the two minutes before it for added context).
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