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Old 2012-10-20, 03:12   Link #29
The Shermain
Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: NY
Age: 45
Originally Posted by ultimatemegax View Post
I'll just quote the novel:
Basically, it's people who imagine they have some type of mystical power awakened in them. They're the kind of kids who play superheros, but never grew out of that phase. It's not just in private; these types of people act this way all the time. They truly believe they have powers.
Where I'm from, we put people like that into mental hospitals-- or at least give them medication. It's called being insane. Lol.

I've watched the first couple of episodes of the anime and while I've enjoyed it, I really can't get into Rikka that much. She really comes off as delusional and insane. It kills my suspension of disbelief considering it's otherwise a normal world they live in. If they showed something where she knows it isn't real, but is trying to escape reality, then I'd probably be able to wrap my head around it better. But considering they portray it as if she actually sees it like it's real, it just makes me think she should be in a looney bin.

I'll have to check out the novels to see if I enjoy it any more.
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