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Old 2012-10-21, 13:37   Link #614
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Join Date: Dec 2004
Just watched the episode... holy exposition, Batman! At least it was presented in a somewhat interesting way, but it was still a bit forced. Ah well.

Anyway, the logistics of changing the DNS of any widespread species to such great effect is baffling. (I know I probably shouldn't think too deeply about it...) Perhaps they only did it in the specific territory where Saki & Co. live?

Also, poor little library thing, I hope it wasn't destroyed. :/ (And is Sugita Tomokazu busy this season or what? ) Btw, I think after this it's more or less clear what happened to the people without PK (and perhaps what happens to the children who are "removed" from society...).

And there was some pretty nice animation work with that hurricane thing.

Originally Posted by Triple_R View Post
2) Maybe it's using a Japanese term that's a bit broader than "rape", but can mean the same thing, and the kids know that term. Maybe it's using the Japanese equivalent of "violated", for example. Maybe the kids kind of went "He violated people? What does that even mean?!"
Actually, that's more or less the case. The word the library used can mean both "phyical assault" in general and "rape" - the context makes it obvious that it's talking about rape, but perhaps the sexual nature of the assault didn't register with the kids and they were just shocked at the idea of violence against a human being. Or maybe we're just thinking too deeply about it. ^^;;
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