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Old 2012-10-22, 04:13   Link #470
Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: InterWebs
Originally Posted by relentlessflame View Post
I think the critique author has missed the forest for the trees in terms of what is actually going on in the SAO plot. SAO is not an action story with an RPG game premise. The whole potential plot about the boss being revealed, retreating, and people banding together to fight him -- that's a completely different story. SAO has never been telling that sort of story at all.
But adding those would not interfere at all with KiritoxAsuna development, methinks. It would add more depth than just simple love story with intricate settings. And a chance to explore the other characters more and create more dynamics. But, SAO didn't take that path because, apparently, this:

Originally Posted by relentlessflame View Post
From a narrative perspective, SAO only exists because it allowed Kirito and Asuna to meet, fall in love, and get into a committed relationship. And the story only continues because there are more hurdles to their relationship. Everything else that goes on is just setting and mechanics (which, granted, I find quite fun and interesting).
is True. I did kind of expected so, judging from the novel readers' reaction when the chapter 16.5 episode aired ("we novel readers only care about KiritoxAsuna and not much else lolol")
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