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Old 2012-10-24, 09:54   Link #12
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Join Date: Dec 2005
Originally Posted by The Small One View Post
Maybe Zoro simply can't attack her, because all his attacks are so powerful, that they would hurt others in the room as well. After all he ordered Nami&Co to chase the kids, and one of his first comments to Sanji was to go away as well.

Ooooorrrrr.... he may just have a similar "don't harm the wimmens" policy as Sanji does.

Anyways, fun chapter. It's great to see more of Monet's power. I'm also further convinced that the harpy body was Law's doing because the kid's flashback still showed her in a fully human body. And boy, was I surprised by her snow monster form! So anyway, it looks like we're going to see a Zoro/Tashigi tag-team for the first time ever! Really awesome, indeed! And yeah, the Sanji moments were great, too ("Hey guys, let's make fun of Zoro while we pass by!")

As for the ministory, I gotta say once again that I'm pretty impressed with Coribou. So he apparently kicked that commodore's ass and actually managed to rescue that swampy brother of his! But one still has to wonder if there will be any more obstacles to get in the way of that daring rescue (for instance, is Jinbei still anywhere nearby the G5 base).....?
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