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Old 2012-10-24, 13:07   Link #156
The Dark Knight
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: From the deepest abyss in the world, where you think?
Age: 38
Originally Posted by Drake View Post
Thats only in one more recent video where as 99% of the rest especially the newest depict Connor killing only a large number of redcoats instead of balancing it out, I'm sure it'll likely be less one sided when playing through the game itself but its how its being marketed thats getting to a lot of people.

A lot of people think that Ubisoft are pandering to the US and that they are afraid to depict early Americans being brutally killed by an assassin in case it "hurts feeling" or "upsets" a key market which would effect sales..

From the trailers alone its easy to assume Connor is sided with the US colonies against the nasty British empire which is somewhat ironic when you consider his heritage (being from the mohawk tribe who actually fought for the British) and the time frame period its set it.
If I recall correctly one of the reasons for the war was also because the colonies wanted to expand more to the west as well....
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