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Old 2006-01-10, 17:33   Link #346
Join Date: Dec 2005
another problem was alot of the characters are morons cagalli can't maintain control of her own countrey(sp?),athrun hits shinn for being the hero yet athrun did the samething shinn did in the last war!,lacus instead of taking resposibility in her action like she should she goes to an island to watch kira look at the ocean!,and kira acusses dullinil of being evil with no proof what so ever!(my teacher told me that's bad demongod86 cause i know you'll say something about it) and their actions in the ocean arc show how stupid they are at least when shinn makes a mistake he adimts it.(see 30-31).
yet another problem is all the the clip shows i mean is it really necassary to have four(five if you count edidted) in a series?and they remind us what happened what two episodes ago wich we can remember ourselves.
i'm currently rewatching phase 6 and i don't see why shinn is impressed since it was 2 on 1 in the fight with sting, and dullinil did a 180 in the series and talia is definetly a good captain better than murrue and would have won agianst her if it wornt for plot holes and devices,(people on gamefaqs know this fact),i don't undestand what happened whe that ginn grapped shinn did it activate self destruct?or did shinn blast it with imulse's torso cannons? oh well i liked the little rey and yzak interaction thought i wish the old and new interacted more,i wished saito(leader of the ginns) lived he could have been the coordinater's version of blue cosmos(the natural have blue cosmos) he could have been used to show the coordinater agianst natural thing,though i don't know what his group call themselves i guess red cosmos would be a fan name for it.why was kira mentioned in the preview when he does nothing next epi?
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