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Old 2012-10-25, 21:43   Link #169
Wild Goose
Truth Martyr
Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: Doing Anzu's paperwork.
Age: 38
Yui's in an emotional pressure coooker, IMO. She's been repressing her emotions for so long, trying to be a good Eishi filled with the ridiculous notions Guard units sprout, that the emotional pressure is now leaking, despite her best efforts to keep herself locked down.

Remember: she told herself she wouldn't cry anymore and locked her feelings away... but there's only so much one can do, and the valves leak in Episode 13. And of course, her amusingly adorkable reaction to realising that she's fallen for Yuuya in Episode 15: shyly, hesitantly, she tries out his name... and then realises "Oh crap, I've fallen for him."
One must forgive one's enemies, but not before they are hanged.Heinrich Heine.

I believe in miracles.

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