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Old 2012-10-29, 08:00   Link #193
Yummy, sweet and unyuu!!!
Join Date: Dec 2004
Originally Posted by kyp275 View Post
For CERN, it is. And frankly looking for others to "independently reproduce" the result in this case is just stupid, not everyone has a LHC in their backyard.

Is CERN going to to additional testing? yes. Does that change their assertion that they've found the Higgs? no.

In any case, this has gone off the rails enough. The original point is that there's a difference between actual science and random off-the-handle claims without any basis to back it up. Not ALL claims are created equal, otherwise you're basically operating under the same principles that lead to pseudo-science crap like creationism.

I can make a claim that I can jump to the moon from the surface of the earth because I have the ability to step on air, should a completely bogus claim like that be received with the same "open mindedness" as, say, the Standard Model in physics?
I'd like to thank you for an interesting discussion, kinda made me read up on the status of Higgs Boson which is all very exciting

I don't think we would ever see eye to eye as I personally prefer an approach of discussion, and at least trying to see someone else's PoV before branding them an heretic

I'm not saying that this is who you are as I don't know you, but your response to the earlier post which triggered my response and the subsequent replies to mine makes me think this, but still I've had a very interesting discussion.
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