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Old 2012-10-30, 02:20   Link #8
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Originally Posted by NinjaRealist View Post
That's true, but for some formats, namely comedy, shorts work incredibly well. When I think about the hard hitting jokes in a show like Poyopoyo I can't imagine that they wouldn't have been more diluted if the show was broadcast in a 23 min format.

By contrast when I think about how diluted Nichijou was, I think it would have been so much better if it had been restricted to a shorter episode length. Because for every 23 mins of episode, that show had about 5 minutes of actually funny material.
While not as extreme as what you're suggesting there was a "director's cut" rerun on nhk-e that was 1 cour insead of 2,they didn't just air half the episodes,they reorganized everything

Poyopoyo is also probably suffering from prejudice due to being aimed at young audiences ,it airs sunday mornings on tv tokyo,and I'll be the first to say that's unfair.

And yes,I wish more 4komas adaptations used this format,Azumanga daioh which is a classic was originally a daily 5 minutes show,the version we watch is a weekly recap that puts a few of those episodes together.

However appart from comedy shorts,I'm not sure what else you can do with the format.
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