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Old 2012-10-31, 20:24   Link #5185
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Join Date: Oct 2011
Location: "Sacrifice one to appease the few."
Heroes or not they broke multiple laws, conducted war against all the factions, and than went into hiding by Destiny without ever answering for their crimes. No one even tries to prosecute them or to at least get Lacus to explain her actions which she never did since she believes she's above being held accountable by anyone.

ZAFT is owed an explanation for the stolen Gundam and Eternal, it doesn't matter her reasoning she broke many laws, abused her authority, and advocated that the people move against the Government of PLANTS, which was acting in the best interest of their people due to Federation aggression, during the middle of a war.

All you just did was reinforce my statement that Durandal revealing Logos, since no one else knew or had the will to do it, made everything better and united Normals and Coordinators against a common enemy. That is something no other character in the Cosmic Era has ever accomplished at such a magnitude.

Of course people died, they were Logos supporters and people were rightfully angry and immediately acted to remove them from power(As was their right, no one put a gun to their heads and told them to bring down Logos. Humanity decided on their own to act after learning the truth) before they can escape(Which some did manage to do which lead to even more deaths than were needed than had they just been killed). Not one tear was shed over the deaths of those monsters that helped instigate multiple race wars that cost the lives of billions as well as advocating the nuking of the PLANTS multiple times.

Yes, it was fine because just as Durandal predicted Lacus, being the rebel and traitor that she is, rebelled against ZAFT yet again and ruined his ability to use Meer who so far was only used to advocate against war and to bring people together.

Now what did Lacus do? Oh right, she confused and instigated the people and due to her interventions the leader of Logos was able to escape Orb and cause mass genocide for much longer. Had the Lacus Clyne force stayed out of Orb than Logos would have ended right than and there since Shinn was easily kicking the crude out of the Orb and Logos forces. So the deaths of those that followed were all on Lacus and Kira's shoulders.

Instead they decided that they should defend Orb despite the fact that they're protecting a War Criminal and the Mastermind of Logos. Not once did the Lacus Clyne force even TRY to go after that monster. In fact the whole point of the Battle of Orb was them getting in the way of the ZAFT(who had the support of the entire Earth and PLANTS) from taking out Logos because "Stop attacking Orb! So what if they're housing the Leader of Logos and refuse to calls of the rest of humanity to hand him over for trial?! Its making Cagalli cry and Lacus disagrees!" is perfectly justified, right?

Had Orb just kicked that monster out than ZAFT wouldn't have invaded them at all. Obviously they didn't and due to Kira's naivety he decided that ZAFT was evil for attacking Orb, which ZAFT was more than justified in(Everyone supported the Invasion but the Lacus Clyne force), and that Logos wasn't worth going after hence why he did nothing even after this to stop that monster and it was Durandal forces that had to go take out Logos in space much later. That alone shows that Kira never had his prioritizes straight in Destiny and his naivety resulted in the deaths of many.

No it wasn't a death laser. It was Durandal's tool to force the unwilling to accept a new system that was shown to work. Once again I must repeat that Revolution is never easy, those in power will never accept change willingly, and Durandal needed a way to enforce his will if the Destiny Plan was ever to succeed. Thus he was justified in his actions in having that weapon which he would only use to those that rebelled and wanted to cause more wars instead of embracing what most of humanity believed was a great idea that was WORKING.

Also drop the sarcastic attitude. It's unneeded and very offensive. You can disagree but that is beyond disagreeing and is just plain offensive.

Originally Posted by Rising Dragon View Post
That's because the guy had lost his marbles and was going to execute her if she showed up in public. She didn't have a whole lot of options there. Seriously, did you even actually watch Gundam SEED?
Yes I did. Had Lacus never went into hiding than her life would never have been at stake since Durandal couldn't afford to kill her publicly. Since he knew she was a rebel and a traitor that would never work for the greater good he decided that she was a huge threat. Which, as Destiny has shown, she was a huge threat and just like in SEED she attacks ZAFT and once more brings about the death of yet another Supreme Counselor.

The only reason Durandal needed Meer was because of the influence Lacus used to have and the fact that Lacus was in hiding and refused to take responsibility for anything she has ever done and left ZAFT all on their own. The guy didn't have much options and without Meer the PLANTS would have reverted back into hating the Normals. So he made the right choice to bring in Meer due to the absence of Lacus.

Last edited by Destined_Fate; 2012-10-31 at 20:40.
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