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Old 2012-11-02, 00:40   Link #1986
Not Enough Sleep
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: R'lyeh
Age: 48
Originally Posted by monir View Post
You probably already know this, but one of the major contributing factor of GOP's claiming the majority was due to the redistricting which favored the GOP tremendously. States like Wisconsin which used to be automatic for Democrats over the years, now have a healthy competition from GOP thanks to that particular strategy. I was wondering if something similar was taking place over at Washington state also. There is another phenomenon emerging through out the country which shows that by the next 15-20 years, a lot of the Southern and Mid-West states projected to be more Democratic leaning than the exclusive Republican support the GOP enjoys now. Same transformation is taking place slowly, but surely in the states (especially in West) that usually votes Democrats.

So does he have a chance at winning that district? I haven't been paying much attention to the House or Senate race as I think the status-quo stays the same. GOP may lose some seat in the House, but they should retain the majority status and same goes for Democrats in the Senate.
the thing about the left-coast states is that the liberals are mostly concentrated on the coast where the big cities (SF, LA, Seattle) are. The inner part of the state are more conservative.
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