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Old 2012-11-10, 03:05   Link #459
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Join Date: Oct 2010
Originally Posted by Wild Goose View Post

Just say improvements. We have no hard figures to show here.
How about saying improved to the point where it's performance is at 3rd gen levels ? or a Quasi 3rd ?

Alastor Mobius Toth has responded most ably, but I'l just chime in that there's a danger that for those new engines to counteract that extra weight, they may burn fuel so much that your operating time is lowered.
Thats what the extra fuel is for. That and lighter armor because armor doesn't offer much protection against BETA. Unless it's ablative armor.


Bulk and size issues. Like I said, if you want a head CIWS as a last ditch weapon against tanks, I'd suggest the .50 BMG chaingun.
A revolver cannon is a lot smaller than a gatling.

In a word, yes.

More specifically, because as AMT said we get all those things from abusing BETA technology, and he's already explained quite well why. i'll just add that with our current level of materials sciences, any mono molecular blade is going to be absurdly sharp, yet so brittle that it will break on first usage, rendering it useless.

Though I have a crazy idea of using a Destroyer's carapace to make your blade may be on to something there. Reused the armor as a weapon...
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