Thread: Licensed Robotics;Notes
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Old 2012-11-11, 01:13   Link #555
Join Date: Jun 2004
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Originally Posted by Midonin View Post
The characters need a status quo to work back towards, and it helped us get to know what the characters were like before they got involved in the big conspiracy plot. A foundation, a framework, these are important things. Just because something it was "silly" doesn't mean it's worthless.
Dunno, considering the games and anime I have played and watched for nitro+ they have never wasted so much time before moving into the "main plot"

Originally Posted by ogon_bat View Post
From the little physics I remember, magnetic poles can exist without any particles flowing between them, magnetic lines theoretically radiate from one pole to the other (they only need an electric charge inside the magnet which in this case is the sun). afaik atm the sun has two magnetic poles (one north, one south), albeit there might be smaller/weaker temporary magnetic poles,
I think you are confusing permanently magnetized materials with electromagnetism... if I remember correctly in the first case the bipole is created by the arrangement of particles within the atomic structure, while in the later witch applies from the your bikes lamp to stars it's the flow/current of charged particles that can create multi-pole magnetic fields... in between, I am no expert, just trying to remember what I was studying ages ago

Originally Posted by Unknown Soldier View Post
S;G spent almost half the show working on character development and world building before the main storyline actually kicked in. The ADHD "I WANT STORY AND I IT NAO!!" mentality has really changed anime, and I don't think for the better. I was always critical of the time-wasting that went on in shows like Eureka Seven and Blood+, because those really were examples of dragging out a story that could have been told in half the episode count. But something like R;N and S;G require time for you to get to know the characters and flesh out the world they inhabit. They are, after all, originally VNs!
S;G got very quickly into the main plot and developed its casts through it, dunno how important robo1 will end up being, but now it doesn't seem all that significant.
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