Thread: Licensed Robotics;Notes
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Old 2012-11-11, 05:11   Link #557
Moe Kyun~!
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Philippines
Originally Posted by Iby View Post
But this game wasn't developed by Nitroplus
And both Chaos;Head and Steins;Gate too (though one of Nitro+ scerist writers helped with the time loop stuff in Steins;Gate).
You're not referring to Gen right?

Anyway, was I the only one who actually liked / loved C;H anime for all its worth? Seriously.

...anyway, back to R;N.
Spoiler for potentially end spoiler -- I actually have no idea, but it's my bet:

Back to visible plotz: apparently, there was an AI called Airi...back in 2008. Hmm... need to check C;H for some details. Also, that would mean that humans have already developed full AIs back in 2008.... whatisthisidonteven....

Then in 2009 (in S;G VN), there's the time travel capers. It also mentioned that the same thing (large divergence potential) happened in the Gulf War (1999). 2000 was when the dangerous monopoles were discovered. Hmm.... coincidence? (of course I may have the years wrong, so that's that.)
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