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Old 2012-11-17, 15:16   Link #3
阿賀野型3番艦、矢矧 Lv180
*Graphic Designer
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Belgium, Brussels
Age: 37
They finally decided to show an actual result of a fight, and the title, but I still think the "title" gag is way too slow in its "punch line" timing, so you have Masato froze for like 3 seconds before finally reacting... OTZ

Anyway, the direction of this episode is... sort of similar to Komari's route first ep, so it feels quite linear to have so many scenes with her that it makes you wonder why she had such a faint presence before ep7 despite being a major trickster that make the moral commitee running for their money...

Production wise, that was quite... bland to put it bluntly, and I have no idea how to comment the use of CGI for... marbles. It was so badly implemented you don't actually think the moral commitee girls were tripping these, but their layer -gliding- over the background OTZ...

Really, another disjointed episode. I can't say I'm expecting any better for the other characters, since they basically use a staunch and formulaic method to introduce them.

And is it me or did they change Kanata's seiyuu? She sounds wayyy deeper.
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