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Old 2012-11-24, 08:29   Link #172
Kaioshin Sama
Join Date: May 2004
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Age: 39
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Originally Posted by Sheba View Post
"Bromance", as fandom seems to think, knows clearly knows where is the limit between friendship and homosexual love and draws a clear line. It's a form of friendship with a slice of love without the complications and desires that comes with love.
It's just deeper, more intense, with an unwavering sense of loyalty and respect that still lingers even with the passage of time. Like Hidenori in Danshi Koukousei, you may complain about a lot of little things that your friends have or does, but you accept it anyway, and like Yoshitake from the same series, you decide to walk the path they walks even if you know that it is wrong.

Another show that portrays that kind of bromance that I talk about is Gungrave.
Yeah the problem with trying to do it nowadays is I think a lot of modern fans would miss the point and just see "OMG Yaoi" rather than the intended feelings of camaraderie and deep friendship. It's almost like there's a growing tendency to see everything through the eyes of romance and shipping as an end goal which I think is why you get all these accusations of NTR any time anything happens. I really don't think it's helped that there's just so much more anime that take place in high schools with harem twists to them then there ever was in the past such that when there's a show that makes a clear break from that there's still the tendency to attribute those expectations to them.

It's also why I kind of assume that the audience for something like Jojo is mostly filled with old dogs like you and me who "get it" and a lot of the younger people probably see a low budget Yaoifest that doesn't have nearly enough waifus to pick from to warrant a look.

As for the difference between the action hero and the action girl, the former gets something of a flexed muscle and wide grin reaction out of me when they do something awesome most of the time whereas the latter gets something more like an open gaped mouth and wide eyed stare. Maybe that's just because I don't fully have a frame of reference for how to react to the latter yet but yeah that's more less what tends to happen.
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