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Old 2012-11-25, 21:02   Link #24
Iron Maw
Join Date: Feb 2006
Originally Posted by Randrak42 View Post
Make a crime look horrible enough and people will be begging for a target to dump the blame on...even if it isn't the right one. That's why it gets easier to pin the crime on someone else the more horrible it is.

"Someone stole my watch!"
One person will worry about the criminal while the others will ignore it, not their problem.

"Someone killed a family of four!"
Everyone will worry about who the perpetrator is both because they become worried for themselves and have that lingering feeling of "It could have been my family".

What happens when a pickpocket is caught by a group of civilians that have nothing to do with the robbery? He gets held down and kept there until the police arrives.
What happens if a murderer is caught by a similar group? Well let's just say that the police isn't going to apprehend a man in good health.
Not only that but people are less inclined to listen to the side of the criminal.
Yep, it's that sort prejudice that makes it easy frame almost anything on guys like SDS regardless of their current status or deeds.

That said...I'm not sure if the murder was made to incriminate them, it could have been for a number things. He could have meant to tell them a secret someone didn't want anyone to know for example.
What I'm suspecting at this point is some sort of major conspiracy. The former Holy Knight Leader and SDS were probably a threat to somebody's grand scheme. So that incident was probably setup to kill two birds with one stone and Diane seemed to caught wind of that at the time. Of course SDS just being a convenient scapegoat works too.
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