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Old 2012-12-02, 08:13   Link #2934
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Join Date: Feb 2011
Originally Posted by Netto Azure View Post

I was going to say how Vol. 1 was ok as a standalone, but then realized I really wanted more content. I do think most critics coherent complaints was time skips and "fast undeveloped romance." And yeah the harem was an outgrowth of Kawahara's initial difficulty in developing group interactions.
Actually, that's an interesting point. Could it be that the reason why Kirito turned down Klein's invitation (something that would have drastically changed the SAO story) was partly because Kawahara himself had no confidence in writing that kind of large scale Male-Male character interactions (odd, since I'd have thought that Shounen provides lots of inspirations here) ?

But yes, most SAO Critics are assertion oriented - although the most popular form of bashing now centers around: Asuna/Kirto are Fail Characters with minimal character developments, Author Avatarship and Suish traits. I've yet to see one coherent thorough justification of this.

Actually, I also think one of the big problems of the Anime Adaptation is the axing of monologues- and that's how Kirito's character is actually developed. I suspect it's the lack of access to Kirito's internal thoughts , stated in the LN that actually leads to charges of Gary Stu- something I've not recalled any LN reader actually leveling.

I'm very surprised that no-one to my knowledge has leaped into the fanfic thread, and proposed a "Fix fic", if one of those things they bemoaned is the wasted potential of the concept. That could provoke quite an interesting discussion.
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