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Old 2012-12-04, 17:14   Link #72
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Age: 35
Originally Posted by Dauerlutscher View Post
It simple because she has absolutely no obligation to please anyone. Simple as that. It's her life and she can do what she wants with that.

Why should anyone care what other people want? It's not their life, It's mine and I have to live it. As long my actions doesn't affect others in an extremely negative way, there is no problem to that.
Because some of us have responsibilities that we have to answer to people who supported us up to this point- Teaches us the skills we need, put a roof over our heads and clothes on our body.

The idea that one has no obligation what so ever to anyone is a fairy tale, because at some point in your life, you owe someone something important whether you think so or not.

Originally Posted by Dauerlutscher View Post
If i don't like what a developer does, i don't by that produkt. It's extremely simple.
And the fact still remains that no one has the right to dictate how someone should live his life.

And your analogy is by no means comparable or relevant to Shiina's situation.
1: Shiina is not a company and is not responisble for employees. She is only responsible for herself and to what she wants to do with her life. It's her live after all and not anyone elses.
2: Fans who don't like a the produkt, are not forced to by it. The world is not going to end becaue of it anyway.
3: A game series with an ongoing plot stopping half the way is a completely different than a painter that doesn't want to paint anymore.
4: Every fan has a right to get angry if they don't like the produkt anymore, but they have by no means the right to dictate how you should life your life.
1. BS- you think she can have that reputation without a small army of PR agents spreading the word? Without someone to run and buy the supplies for her painting? Without someone to negotiate prices and talk deals with art galleries? Without someone to ship the paintings overseas? People like her have a small business operating solely around her.

2. And yet here we are on the internet in a space full of dissatisfied customers- I don't know if you're being a hypocrite or this is truly your honest words- But I'll bear this in mind on and I hope I never catch you complaining about something you don't like, or you telling people what you think should have been done...

3. Different tune same thing. You still would want more from the same person... At least up to a point where you don't care.

4. Same as number 2. I'll keep an eye out from now on.

Originally Posted by Dauerlutscher View Post
A better example.
Shiina is a film actres and has talent for it, but her disire is to become an author and so she stoppes with acting and starts with writing.
Some fans will gett disappointed, but why should she care? It's not their life, It's hers.l


...I'm willing to bet that if Hanazawa Kana decided to stop being a Seiyuu and instead become a Nun and shaved her head, half the people here would jump out the window and slit their throats on the way down.

While the other half flies to Japan to stop her.

Originally Posted by Dauerlutscher View Post
And a personal question.
Have you no problem If someone would appear and dictate you how to live your life?
Try doing that in real life and see how many people will say that you should mind your own business.

Of course I would have a problem- but I can see two sides of the argument while you're blindly holding on to your precious thoughts of freedom.

Last edited by Chaos2Frozen; 2012-12-04 at 17:25.
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