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Old 2012-12-08, 09:45   Link #12
Sunder the Gold
Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2011
Could we have a new thread to compile the various rules and structures of the Accelerated World game, and speculate about the creator's intentions?

For example, a number of tools and subsystems indicate that the creator intended for Burst Linkers to form Legions.

1) Legion Solidarity: IIRC, members of the same Legion cannot randomly challenge each other. Or, if they can, anyone who makes an ass of one's self will tend to face reprisal by the Legion Master or the Legion as a whole.

2) Territory: Members of the same Legion can enter a cooperative battle to claim a territory in the real world where they do not have to fear random challenges from Burst Linkers outside of their Legion. (Noumi had to directly link with Haru to challenge him; Taku challenged him to the next fight; Haru and Taku challenged him to the third.)

3) Judgment Blow gives Legion Masters the ability to enforce their will upon other members of the Legion, becoming central authority figures. Further, this encourages the Legion Master to surround one's self with subordinates and never leave their territory, since it reduces the chances of being finally-defeated. When you have Judgment Blow in addition to your own Level advantage, you become further protected against the only people currently capable of challenging you.

There are others. Only when one reaches Level 4 do they gain access to the Unlimited Neutral Field, which works more like an MMO game than a fighting game, allowing a Burst Linker to approach the Accelerated World outside the context of duels. They can either engage in a wider variety of underhanded strategies (as Yellow Radio did) or they can treat the game entirely as a PVE world (by hunting Enemies). They can avoid fighting entirely and simply explore the UNF for secrets.

But even before Level 4, there are Tag Team Matches, Free-For-Alls (Lime Bell entered one at Level 1), and Territory Battles (which Silver Crow entered at Level 1, together with Cyan Pile, while Black Lotus was unavailable.)

So despite the potential for the Accelerated World to be a ruthless dueling system, there are numerous subsystems that allow for -- and even encourage -- teamwork, cooperation and comraderie... in only in the context of factionalism and "us versus them" mentality, since it IS, at the core, a competition.

What's so unusual about the rules for achieving Level 10 is that they are apparently the only additional rules that introduce further conflict into the game. Before that point, all other sub-rules worked to promote a form of harmony.

But at the same time, the rules encourage stagnation. All of the sudden, all Level 8 players have to question whether or not they really want to become Level 9 at all. All of the current Level 9s have to become suspicious of anyone who wants to advance beyond Level 8.

And it doesn't seem likely that all Seven Kings achieved Level 9 at exactly the same time, so it seems deliberate that the new rules were only revealed when the last of the Seven Kings reached that Level.
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