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Old 2012-12-12, 23:20   Link #49
Warm Mist
Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2011
The scene between Rikka and Kumin is interesting, I'm guessing some off-screen dialogue happened in there and it will be relevant in the last episode, since they're all "the cast comes together" now.

Also, many people seem to miss the coming of age aspect of this story. It is a romance, yes, but it seems to me like it's even more a story of Rikka and Yuuta growing up. Yuuta is not a dick, he just needs to mature. People bashing him for this or last episode's happenings also need to mature, in my view.

I'm guessing next episode will have Yuuta "learning his lesson" that having fun is okay too, and that being so ass-pained about trying to be mature and responsible, to the point of neglecting one's childhood, is immature in itself. What will happen after that, though, I don't know. I'd like for Rikka to at least successfully visit her father's grave, if only to close that part of her character arc.

Episode 10 was better than 11 in my books, but this one was pretty well done too. I liked the return of delusional scenes, even if they were very short, and the storyboard was again very good. I liked the part with Nibutani and Dekomori especially, and the scene of packaging Rikka's stuff.
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