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Old 2012-12-12, 23:55   Link #53
Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Britannia
Uh yes, while Yuuta did indeed deserve some of the blame for what happened in this episode, I still think that they need to grow up. Maybe the way he did it was too harsh, but his intentions were, as far as I can surmise, the right thing to do. Don't forget Yuuta was conflicted with himself, as well as emotionally unstable. Dekomori screaming the pointless Chuuni antics at him is just going to frustrate him more, which is what ultimately happened. While Yuuta shouting at Dekomori was very sad, I couldn't help but feel she sort of deserved it.

But no, some people don't think that anime characters should react the same way normal people do, and thus they will bash Yuuta and call him "slightly below Makoto in terms of MCs". Really? Wow.
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