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Old 2012-12-13, 16:03   Link #76
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This episode has been by far one of the most depressing episodes that I have seen within the last few years. Just about everything about the episode compliments this overall theme of hopeless despair. Sanae really struck a chord in me. Before she was just this very annoying, yet likeable, and funny, and very adorable girl; in this episode however, she has become something akin to THE main character and not just one of the main side characters. The emotion that Sanae exhibited when she thought she was losing her best friend, and possibly her only friend, for the better part of two years was so pure and strong. I admit, I cried during this episode. The last time I did that was during Angel Beats when Kanade and Otonashi said their final goodbyes.

Zombie Rikka was very hard to watch. She and Yuuta both were trying way too hard in this episode to be somebody that they are not. Rikka is making an honest effort to assimilate herself into normal society, but the rate at which she is going is abnormal. She has lived two+ years as a Chuunibyou, she has having a very hard time communicating in normal terms. Yuuta is trying to be as supportive as he can be, but whenever he looks at Rikka his heart simply shatters, as does mine. Turning Rikka back would make them both happier than they can possibly know, but that would also be the most irresponsible thing they can do.

I do not blame Yuuta for anything he does or doesn’t do in this episode. He’s caught between a rock and a hard place. He can easily opt for the easy way out that would bring the most happiness to everyone, but how long would such happiness bring them honestly? I don’t believe that the suddenness with which Rikka decided on her own to face reality is healthy and will do more damage than good. Yes, Yuuta told her to take it off, but she chose to do it so suddenly and with a note of finality. It is my belief that Touka and Yuuta wanted to bring Rikka to face reality in a much slower and healthier pace. Rikka just surprised everyone with her abrupt decision; this is the outcome they desired, ultimately, but not the method they would have chosen.
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