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Old 2012-12-18, 04:44   Link #193
Join Date: Jul 2010
Translation of Master quotes:

Gordes: Saber, except for the moments when you are activating your Noble Phantasm, keep your mouth shut!
Fiore: So it has finally begun...
Danik: We of the Ygdramillenia will acquire all the mysteries and miracles of this world!
Selenik: You, are you perhaps a person with a vigorous sense of curiosity?
Cowles: Berserker, let's go too.
Roche/Rosie: Alright, teacher, the ritual is complete. Let's go back to our workshop!
Reika: Then, you can cut them a little. However, not in the throats because then they won't be able to scream anymore.
Mordred's Master: It's like my youth that was spent stepping over corpses.
Mordred: Hey, fucker. Call me a chick again and I can't restrain myself!
--Note: Mordred's manner of speech is very crude
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