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Old 2012-12-24, 16:11   Link #746
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Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Britannia
Originally Posted by Aphrah View Post
I've been out of the loop for a while, so forgive me for asking this if it's been asked before, but has this show been confirmed to be 2-cour (or something longer than 12 episodes, at least)? For some reason or other, I was positive that it was 1-cour..

I just marathoned the latest 7 episodes, and boy, have I been missing out. I spoiled myself a bit before I stopped watching, but the anime has basically caught up now with the exception of a few things.

I don't know about elsewhere, but I do know that it's mandatory in Ireland. We have to sit two series of exams (Junior Cert. and Leaving Cert.) in 3rd year and 5th year respectively, which can be sat at 3 levels: Foundation Level, Ordinary Level, and Higher Level. For the last two, students are required to know (character analysis, relationships, plot, theme, general vision and viewpoint, and etc.) one of the chosen three Shakespearean plays for that year. So students here study 2 Shakespearean plays during their time in school. I studied The Merchant of Venice and Hamlet, and my familiarity of the latter being why I'm enjoying all the quoting in Zetsuen.

It's definitely 2-cour, but I'm not sure how many episodes there are exactly
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