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Old 2012-12-26, 21:26   Link #480
Join Date: Dec 2003
Age: 42
Originally Posted by RRW View Post
I think we should have a poll now the another poll 3-6 month latter to see if there is any change
I don't think a poll will provide any useful data, as there is no way to capture the variety of opinions expressed in this thread in any sort of single poll question, not to mention there'll be a bias in the sample. The issue of "should we keep the reputation system" is not on the table anyway; we will never bring the reputation system back the way it was before because it is inherently flawed. That doesn't mean it isn't possible that other systems could be introduced, but again I don't think that'd be addressable via a poll. At least in my opinion, the comments in this thread are a lot more relevant to figuring out how people feel about this issue than any arbitrary number.
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