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Old 2012-12-28, 16:37   Link #59
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Join Date: Sep 2011
Originally Posted by tsunade666 View Post
Fujisaki also comments it. The problem with Sorata's execution is he doesn't consider much the audience but he considers his own heart which was thinking of Mashiro. He wants to say what he wanted thus that ended up in that way. In the seminar. Its been said that the creator can't sway the hearts of the gamer if they can't sway their own hearts. Sorata has been thinking mostly of Mashiro all the time and when he got the idea from the relationship of Jin and Misaki. He also wants to be inspired to use love as a passion but seriously there is no way one will shout that out in the middle of an auditorium. You can probably say other words like what they say which is thank you, you bastard, and you don't need to shout to ask that and such random banter. But shouting out love!? that's a big minus on his part. It its a gamble and stupid move that shouldn't be done by a game creator.
Why didn't they just say "Shout out what you want"? Sure it might have led to some funny/obscene comments, but it makes a hell of a lot more sense than telling them to outright confess their secret loves. They didn't even do it for all the build up, considering half the students just shouted support for the nyabothing.
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