Thread: Licensed K (Anime project)
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Old 2012-12-30, 15:30   Link #1822
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Join Date: Dec 2004
Originally Posted by Kakkou View Post
Pussy existed purely to keep male viewers going "Ewww, so much bishie sausage but at least there's Pussy to fap to!". Of course someone was at least smart to realise they should at least give her actual competence to try and justify her existence beyond being a poster girl. Now if only they did the same for Seri.
Aww, for me, Neko was one of the best things about the show. Sure, she's technically a walking cliché (not that most of the other characters aren't), but she's so ridiculously adorable, thanks to her seiyuu and her adorable antics (doodling on Kurou's face, riding the trash can robot and mimicking what it says, etc), that she's the one I'm going to miss the most from this show.

But otherwise yeah, I agree about the writer bias toward Team Red and Fushimi and Yata getting undue amounts of focus compared to their importance to the plot. This is pretty much my only significant complaint about this show. I mean, the Scepter 4 character who got the most attention as far as past and personality and relationships go is Fushimi who turned out to be only marginally involved in plot-important character interactions. (Surprise surprise, he used to be a Homra member. ) And it chafes me more than a little that Fushimi and Yata got two flashback scenes fleshing out their past and relationship, while Reishi who was directly and heavily involved in the Big Emotional Finale, had nothing of the sort. Sure, the relationship between him and Mikoto was pretty nicely written to convey what the viewers needed to know for their story to work, but it would've been nice, considering his role and all that.

And then there's stuff like the prequel manga being about Homra, or that the side Red novelization is like twice as long as the side Blue... (Or that the show never really stopped to consider that Mikoto was basically ready to let his own clan members and a schoolful of innocent students die just so he could carry out his suicide mission.)

Other than this, though, I don't really have any problem with K. It was fluff, of course, but very enjoyable fluff, with mostly enjoyable (dare I say, loveable) characters and character interaction. I liked the story format and pacing, too, and the world is interesting enough to see more of it. Just... with less Red.
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