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Old 2012-12-31, 19:42   Link #1
ISML Technical Staff
*Graphic Designer
Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Phoenix, AZ
Age: 35
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International Saimoe League 2013

The new year is here and so is the International Saimoe League. Nominations will start January 1, 2013 and will last for one week. There will be some small changes to ISML this year that will updated in this post in the near future. The nomination form is up, so please nominate and post them here.
  • Which Nova characters will you nominate in 2013?
  • Which Stella characters will you nominate in 2013?
  • Which new characters do you expect to win necklaces and possibly the tiara?
  • Which characters from the 2012 seasonal tournament will rise/fall in strength?

Remember to participate in ISML in 2013! You can visit us at the link below:

International Saimoe League 2013

What I'm truly afraid of is
not the disappearance of my own memory,
but disappearing from the memories
of everyone else.

(logo will change)
  • If you want to help us out in running this event, visit us @ #isml on
  • ISML also has its own forum if you really dislike posting in one single thread

General Rules:
  • Absolutely no campaign posts allowed.
    This includes posts containing ANY campaign verbiage whether in whole or in part. Contributing to the debate is encouraged, provided you do NOT add "VOTE ABCD!!!" (or similar to the post itself). Simply rebutting another's post or opinion with "XYZ sucks" is totally unacceptable.
  • Please do not create a post with the sole purpose to campaign for a character!
  • No Image campaigning.
    Do not create a post with an image or collage representation of a campaign poster. In other words: a PhotoShopped image of the character you want people to vote for with “vote for” text added to it.

Posting Etiquette:
  • Please do not cross post information about this tournament in other AnimeSuki threads.
    Keep all Anime Saimoe Tournament posts, campaigns, character information, voting links, etc., within this thread only or in your signature (signature size limits still apply).
  • No "meta-posting".
    Meaning: posting about another poster, the thread or about another post itself, is forbidden and will be deleted on-the-spot, regardless of intention. If you want to comment about another poster that’s off-topic and/or personal, send them a PM.
  • Any flame-baiting will be deleted and those people banned.
    Please keep the thread positive, fun and clean. If your choice doesn’t win the Round and you can’t discuss the fact without complaining, swearing and baiting people into arguments, then don’t post.
  • Do not create image only posts.
    You can, however, include an image with your discussion. If you want to visually support the character you’re voting for then please do so in the context of your original discussion and use only one or two images. We would encourage the use of “thumbnails” if possible (and please, no large images). PM the mods if you need help with posting thumbnail images.
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