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Old 2006-01-18, 18:11   Link #37
Weapon of Mass Discussion
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: New York, USA
Originally Posted by Eclipze
Originally Posted by NoSanninWa
I'm definitely not going to make any such confessions of guilty pleasures. And if by some accident I happened to hit the submit button, I'm sure I'd delete it to cover up such a horrible accident.
You just did, didnt you?
No, I didn't. If I did, I'd have to delete it. I'm sure I'd never do anything so embarassing!

Originally Posted by ayyo
On a side note, why do most people say their real life friends or whatever say anime = porno? Everyone I have met and talked about whether in reference or in detail about anime never mentioned that they believe anime is related to porn. Most think anime = japanese cartoon (cartoon as in like only kids watch type of thinking) and that some have extremely freakish big eyes and or breasts. And I live in New York City man. I wonder where you people find people who think anime = porno.
This is not relative to place, it is relative to time. When anime first started to be imported to the US, what was brought over was largely tentacle porn. I can't tell you how irritating to see articles on anime in the mainstream press saying "Anime isn't just for kids anymore!" And they talk about anime porn! Oh lords that was embarassing!

You don't know anyone who thinks of anime as porno because you aren't old enough.

There's not that fine a line between willing suspension of disbelief and something just being stupid.
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