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Old 2013-01-03, 22:51   Link #1957
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: Idaho
Age: 32
FLCL. No matter how many times I watch FLCL I just can't find likable things. I feel like they're trying to both be serious and have a plot, but also be random and have all kinds of goofy and unexpected stuff happen. Honestly though, you can't do both. You can't try and skirt a line between being serious and being random. It felt to me like they were trying to run a 50/50 split, and it's just distracting. I also feel like a lot of the jokes and humor are just pointless as well. All of the dirty humor and the perverted jokes were almost too serious and thus kind of creepy. I feel like they forgot that a joke isn't a good joke if you hear or see it and can easily assume it to be completely true.

Also, a lot of people have been recommending Valkyria Chronicles lately. Valkyria Chronicles is the worst anime port I have ever seen in my life. It's one of the few anime that I couldn't finish because it just did no justice to the game whatsoever. The way it dramatized situations that were actually very nice and sweet was just despicable to me. The scene in the forest with the wounded soldier was where I just lost it. They turned a great and heartwarming scene into a dramatic and even somewhat unrealistic pile of crap. No. Just, no. Play the game. It's a fantastic game, and it has a better story than most things.
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