Thread: Licensed K (Anime project)
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Old 2013-01-04, 00:41   Link #1861
Join Date: Oct 2004
Originally Posted by Aphrah View Post
Well, I feel pretty stupid that I forgot that this show had 13 episodes, not 12. I heard about the second season, so I decided to marathon the rest of this.

It turned out to be enjoyable enough and better than I thought it'd be based on the first few episodes. The ending and mystery turned out to be pretty interesting.

So, reading the past few pages, is Kuroh a strain like Neko or not? I assumed it was Neko's illusion that allowed them to run past the Blues. By the by, what exactly is a strain? I don't remember it being explained in the anime, but that could very well just be me..
Thus, the story is what it is. The characters have more details because the team of 7 authors created characters before layout the story/worldview. Depends on their personal preferences, they circulate the writing around. Each author (guy or gal) is represents by a color: ORANGE, RED, PINK, GREEN, BLUE, BLACK, YELLOW
Each character has more back story than story. The character names are derived on Japanese historical mythology, or mythological history.

I have no idea what strain means. So I don't know what to tell you.
I assume they are talking about Kuro's power. Kuro got his power from the colorless king. Later, he becomes white king's second clan man. For kings, they receive their power from the stone tablet. They can create their own clans and authorize power(charter?) to others.
Neko and Anna are different. They got power without kings. However, their power is related to the catastrophe from years ago. They cannot create their own clans, and they have no kings. They are called 權外者(People or animal that are outside the charter/power/authority/right). Yes, it's Neko's illusion. Neko is the center of her power. By her whim, people around her may experience fake vision, fake hearing or some memory rewrite.
流麗のヒステリア Hysteria of flowing beautifully
三つ腕のリヒティ Lichty of three arms
重剣のクロエ Chloe of giant sword
天啓のシスティーナ Sistina of Apocalypse
愛憎のロクサーヌ Roxanne of distinguished love and hate
万有のルテーシア Lutécia of everything
塵喰いのカサンドラ Cassandra of eating dust
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