Thread: Licensed Rosario+Vampire Manga
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Old 2013-01-05, 03:38   Link #23610
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Join Date: Sep 2008
but still the question is who is the "mask king" he showed to be some kind of tentacle, blob thing... it might be related to alucard... and similar pattern from him we see at the eggs left in the snow village

well issa might be similar like others... turned into black parade... but maybe inside he is still fighting the alucard part... kinda his power and pride cant let him turn into such mindless beasts

and I wonder if gyokuro injected alucards part inside herself too in masked king orders..but since she has the talisman she can control that part inside herself on will... so it gives her power but doesnt turn her into similar beigns like rest of the shuzen family

we dont know what happened to issa... but if he really allowed gyokuro for all those things... turning all of them into such brutes... and then be ok with killing moka... then I hope he will die

I wonder how akasha would react if she heared what he allowed for to happen...and what they did to moka (breaking her seal, trying to kill her, awaknieng alucard ect.)... the one he promised to protect... so it would be better if issa died here... maybe as last father act protect moka or her friends with his own life... to gain a little redeption.... while dieing he would have a last wish for tsukune to look after moka from now on...

hmm... I was wondering what is moka isnt really issas daughter... but like we heared from current chapter... alucards and akashas blood and body fluids mixed together... what if akasha got pregnant from alucard while beign there... so moka would be a daughter of Akasha and Alucard... and it would explain why moka is soo resistant to alucards evil youki and why her power isnt consuming her... just like it does to tsukune (and why all other vampires werent able to control it and it ate them from the inside)
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