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Old 2013-01-06, 04:26   Link #3509
Senior Member
Join Date: Jan 2006
Playing the Bioshocks, nearing the end of the second game now. The story/setting are very evocative and appealing to me, you take in a lot just by going through the game with your eyes and ears open.

The obvious drawback is that as a player, you're almost completely in the backseat driven by the story. There's no RPG-esque conversations, everything gets told through audiologs and the other characters one-sidedly shouting at you over comms. (Though the game actually deconstructs this aspect in a way that makes sense. Not going into spoilers.) In other words it's a classic tunnel shooter, but at least you have options in the way you tackle the enemies that keep the game interesting for the 10 or so hours that it lasts.

It's also sufficiently challenging on hard mode, I've died countless times already.
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