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Old 2013-01-11, 20:40   Link #33
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Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: Florida
I kinda take umbrage at the idea that, for a show like VRO, the plot is simply "tacked on" or the show is a "guilty pleasure". It's like the anime community has this idea in its head that certain shows can only be enjoyed through a lens of detached irony. I haven't seen VRO yet (waiting on the simulcast), but I can say that I actually teared up a bit at the climax of the Strike Witches movie. That doesn't happen for something a person watches as a "guilty pleasure". That requires investment in the characters, the world, the events.

That Japan's a little more open about having some sexiness in its works is one of the things I like about it. It may not work for every series (and there are plenty that don't use it), but if it's there, it was likely meant to be there, and should be considered just another element, not cast aside and ignored.
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