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Old 2013-01-16, 07:46   Link #13
Join Date: May 2004
Franky is just so awesome!!! He said the General Cannon was the 1000 sunny's ultimate weapon, so is the Shogun the 1000 sunny transformed? Or do they have both the ship and the robot? I'm not sure which would be cooler, two sets of General Cannons or a ship that can transform....

Couldn't Nami just make a localized rain and paralyze the DF users? I guess lightening is cooler but it's nothing we haven't seen before.

Usopp with his wonder plants. Is there anything they can't do? And why only enemies with their backs turned? With his bag of tricks I think he could take on guys head on, especially if he can launch sea stones.

The new guy: oversleeping sounds like a trait from someone familar.... But the only one that comes to mind is Ace and he's dead. I was thinking Mihawk too as his first appearance was also sleeping and drifting into a battle.
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