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Old 2013-01-17, 08:47   Link #1235
That one guy
Join Date: Nov 2011
this whole fiasco could have been safely avoided if proper PR was in place. Actual thought was used in making this. Also, listen to antis proper concerns instead of just treating it as blind hatred.

I honestly can't love this game only due to bad publicity(anti). I'm not even going to play it even if someone paid me to. However I can say objectively that this is a good game. If only crass, which was GoW's thing, and excessively emphasizing on brutality, still GoW's thing. I don't see the idea of awesomeness here. That crazy insane stuff that you go through and come out of saying "What the hell was that? I wanna do it again.". If I have to play this game to get it... then I'll never understand D:
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