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Old 2013-01-21, 13:43   Link #932
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Join Date: May 2009
Originally Posted by Archon_Wing View Post
Well, it's kinda like anything pop culture. A lot of people might have heard of it, but it doesn't necessarily mean they care.

If you asked me about American pop culture, I might be able to gather what you are saying, but I will probably also not give a damn about most of it.

That being said, would it be fair to say that at least for the States side of the equation, hard media itself is falling out style?
I'd say, at least for music and PC games. Once online video catches up to Bluray quality, that will probably be the next to go.

Its strangely got to the point where music CDs cost 75% what the album on iTunes costs. And itunes also had that stupid DRM crap that made it so I could only put it on a few devices. I'll always go for the control Cd gives me, screw DRM (im cool with drm to prevent piracy, but i dont like it when anti-piracy measures cut into honest customer's enjoyment).
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