Thread: World of Tanks
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Old 2013-01-23, 01:01   Link #2139
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Vereinigte Staaten
Age: 32
Almost got Top Gun in the SU-100M1

Kommandir Ostrovskiy - Hero Tankist

Battle Report:
"On 22. January, Comrade Ostrovskiy, commander of a prototype tank destroyer, was ordered into the nth Battle of Westfield, where he displayed courageous valor with the destruction of five enemy vehicles. Prior to contact with the enemy he gave the order to maintain formational unison, which increased morale throughout the ranks. He and his crew set an example by supporting the discovery of enemy tanks, a significant deal of which were destroyed by artillery. Then, accurately judging the fascist echelon to be unhinged, he gave a clear offensive directive, leading the charge against two Vlasovite heavy tanks and defeating both. Then, with the goal of penetrating deep into the enemy's rear area and wrecking his artillery, Comrade Ostrovskiy made a beeline down the slope, where, unbeknownst to him, a lurking fascist tank destroyer wounded his tank gravely. Shifting priorities, the Commander set up his own ambush and turned the tables on the dark assailant. Ostrovskiy only met his match when a Daimler-Benz model Panther of the SS Division "Vergewaltigungsstab" took advantage of his weakness and destroyed the vehicle at point blank range. The Hitlerite was promptly located and pulverized by multiple shells. At this moment a momentary silence is reported to have taken the battlefield, as though in remembrance of the late Comrade."

Last edited by LeoXiao; 2013-01-23 at 06:32.
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