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Old 2013-01-25, 13:32   Link #2313
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Join Date: May 2009
Originally Posted by Archaeon View Post
Wasn't it because Japan want Sanzenin Nagi to win but due to foreign votes, Rika ended up winning it. which sounds like a legit reason for banning foreign votes.
Yes. And that was my thing, what is "Japan"? Since when did whole countries gather behind one opinion for a moe contest? My beef was with how mods had this "everyone who doesnt think like us (whoever "us" is, it obviously isnt everyone who wants to have fun in a contest) is wrong" (including Japanese who actually voted for Rika, surprise). If you wanna be like that, why hold a contest and let non-Japanese play in the first place?

Not legit to me, but w/e, your opinion.

Also thats not the whole reason, theres also how they sweepbanned all foreign voters because a few were spam voting/bot voting. Which seems really weird considering the vast majority of troublemakers are in Japan, but they ban them on a case by case basis, if ever.
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